NB-Fi impulse modem

190.80 BGN

The NB-Fi impulse modem is a device that connects to the pulse outputs of utility meters and telemetry interfaces of sensors and gauges, allowing them to get online and transmit data via NB-Fi network.


NB-Fi impulse modem is designed for various IoT applications, such as Smart Grids and utilities, environmental monitoring and alarm systems, Oil and Gas industry, Smart Agriculture.

The NB-Fi impulse modem can be used in conjunction with sensors and gauges that are used in manufacturing processes, in agriculture for tracking of assets etc., as well as traditional utility meters with pulse outputs and RS-232/RS-485 interfaces.

NB-Fi impulse modem with pulse inputs transmit data every hour. This period may be customized - custom firmware for various IoT/IIoT projects is available on request.

NB-Fi impulse modem can be widely implemented in various IoT and IIoT solutions requiring energy efficient long distance data transmission with autonomous operation easy installation and fast ROI.

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