

The Challenge?

Air is an essential element in human survival. It benefits our quality of life and nourishes our bodies with oxygen. Because of this it is important that the air we breathe is pure. Unfortunately, our air is increasingly polluted - both indoors and outdoors. This poses a great risk to our health and can cause allergies to the respiratory tract. Additionally, our busy schedules often make us forget to take breaks and let in fresh air. Co2 exposure accounts for a range of mild symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, restlessness, tiredness and many others.

Our Solution?

As a team of working professionals Blueberry recognizes these issues and the importance of clean air for the brain and body. Thus, we introduce you - EyeAir. Our device measures a range of quality of life factors - humidity, temperature, Co2, pm10, pm2.5 and luminance. You, as our user, will be able to proactively control these factors through our Unified Cloud Interface.

Your Benefit.

Pm particles can measure to investigate the level of air pollution during various activities such as home renovation or construction. With a detailed log of information at your fingertips you can take action and minimize health hazards. Moreover, humidity and Co2 can reduce the ability to rest during sleep. Tracking these trends can lead you to a solution such as installing an air humidifier or finding a means of creating a stream of fresh air in your home.